Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Excel Tips - Tip 12 (Using Vlookup)


Hope my excel tips are helping you out.

Here is the Twelfth tip for you. Hope this help you.

Using “VLOOKUP” Formulae is very easy and effective and it is used very frequently in every industry.

Steps to use it:

1. Use =Lookup( in the cell where you want the desired outcome.

2. Select the range of that column against which you want the desired outcome. After selecting the column, press comma (,) [As shown in my table, selected the “Name” column]

3. Now select the table from where you want to pick the desired outcome. After selecting the column, press comma (,)[As shown in my table, selected from the “Actual Data” table]

4. Count the number of columns in between the desired outcome and type the same. [As shown in my “Actual Data” table, there are 4 columns in between “Name” and “English”]. After that, press comma (,)

5. Now use “F4” to freeze the formulae [As shown in table] , [the $ sign means that the formulae is freeze]

6. Now you can copy and paste the said formulae to maximum upto your desired need.

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Thanks & Regards,

CA Mohit Bansal
Excel enthusiast


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